
National projects:

-Bulgarian National Science Fund "Development of hybrid, functionalized micro / nanoporous matrices from biomaterials by ultra-short laser modification", Entry № KP-06-PN48 / 10/2020, NSF (2020-2023)

Bulgarian National Science Fund "Functionalization of 3D Printed Fibrous Matrices by Femtosecond Laser Modeling" KP-06-H38 / 5/ (2019-2022)

- Bulgarian National Science Fund, project „Bioactivity improvement of biomimetic materials by texturing with ultra-short laser pulses’’- DN08/5 (2016-2019)

- Bulgarian National Science Fund, project „3D femtosecond laser  microstructuring of biomaterials for application in medicine’’- DMU0315-(2011-2015)

- Bulgarian National Science Fund, project ’’DNTS/Austria/01/1 Ultra-short microprocessing of collagen thin films for tissue engineering applications’’ - (2013-2018).

- FWO/BAS project № Р-38/18.11.15 "Functionalization of biomaterials, modified via femtosecond laser irradiation of improving cellular proliferation’’ (2016 - 2018).


International projects

- HORIZON EUROPE, "Surface Transfer of Pathogens", STOP № 101057961 ​​​​​, 2022-2026, 

-  HORIZON 2020, Innovative Training Networks (ITN), H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019, „Development of Antimicrobial and Functional Medical Surfaces” AIMed project , 2019-2024, 

- Bilateral Project # KP- Austria/05, “Modification of silk and fibrin-based scaffolds by ultra-short laser pulses for improved muscle and nerve tissue modeling”2021-2023, team leader A. Daskalova

- Project # KP - 06-RILA / 8 under Bilateral Cooperation Programs 2018 - Bulgaria - France under the Rila Program on "Functionalization of Bioceramic Matrices and Composites by Ultra-short Laser Impulse Processing", team leader Dr. Albena Daskalova

- COST CA16122 BIONECA- Biomaterials and advanced physical techniques for regenerative cardiology and neurology, 2017-2021

- COST MP1301 NEWGEN- New Generation Biomimetic and Customized Implants for Bone Engineering, 2013-2017

- COST MP1005 NAMABIO - From nano to macro biomaterials (design, processing, characterization, modeling) and applications to stem cells regenerative orthopedic and dental medicine, 2011-2015

- FP7 Laserlab Europe, project number: ulf-forth 002013 "Tailored topography control of biomaterial surfaces by ultrafast lasers for cell-substrate studies"- 2014г.

- FP7 Laserlab Europe, project ’’Studies of ultra-short laser ablation mechanisms of biological tissue by examination of the ablation products with TOF and Plasma-Shadow-Graphy’’, project number: ulf-forth 001495 – 2009

- FP6 ITSLEIF, Transnational access program’’ HCI-induced ToF-SIMS studies of hard dental tissues’’, Project number: P09073A – 2009-2011








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Laboratory of "Femtosecond optics"

Femto Science - Application Group

Институт по Електроника към Българска Академия на Науките
София – 1784, бул. „Цариградско шосе” - 72